Kl To Taman Negara Distance
The estimated journey breakdown is as follow.
Kl to taman negara distance. Road distance from kuala lumpur to taman negara cannot be calculated try for flight distance distance calculator direction finder show bigger map travel planner travel time calculator flight distance calculator flight time calculator how far is a from b route planner trip cost calculator latitude longitude finder. You can take the bus 5 hours a minivan 7 5 hours or a taxi 4 hours. Both operators departure points are nearby kuala lumpur jalan sultan at chinatown. Take a taxi from kuala lumpur airport kul to taman negara 295 4 km rm 490 rm 600 drive 4h 42m drive from kuala lumpur airport kul to taman negara 295 4 km.
Getting to taman negara is a long 4 hour drive north from kuala lumpur. Taman negara day tour taman negara is a 130 million years old tropical rainforest that covers 4 343 sq kilometers with most threatened mammals like tigers sun bears elephants tapirs rhinoceros and others not forgetting 14 000 flowering plants 300 bird species 238 fresh water fish and the list is endless. Many tourists however use a taman negara package deal. This means you are picked up from the hotel in the morning and then driven to the small town kuala tembeling.
Other routes best option. Travelling the 240km distance from taman negara to kuala lumpur. Daily buses at 8 30am to kuala tembeling jetty from kuala lumpur. You can also find the distance from kuala lumpur to taman negara malaysia using other travel options like bus subway tram train and rail.
Han travel departs from mariamman building whereas nks departs from hotel mandarin pacific jalan sultan. Fares start from 20 myr 4 60. You have 3 options. You can drive up to the entrance in about 4 hours only if you drive the whole route by car.
They provide daily departure from kl to taman negara. Apart from the trip distance refer directions from kuala lumpur to taman negara malaysia for road driving directions. You can take a bus from kuala lumpur to taman negara via jerantut jerantut and taman negara in around 5h 13m. The distance between kuala lumpur to taman negara malaysia is 245 km by road.
The distance between kuala lumpur to taman negara malaysia is 239 16 km 149 miles and it would cost 13 usd 42 myr to drive in a car that consumes about 3 mpg. Taman negara is very easy accessible from kuala lumpur. Kuala lumpur to jerantut by perwira ekspres 4 buses daily then taxi to kuala temeling jetty kuala lumpur to kuala tembeling jetty with nks travel tours. Total duration of the journey is about 8 5 hours.